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"'Jesus Was a Palestinian' and Other Anti-Israel Myths"

Dear Christian Leaders,


Thank you so much to those of you who were able to join us on July 9th  for the webinar in which we discussed the crucial topic of "'Jesus was a  Palestinian' and Other Anti-Israel Myths." We were encouraged by the  fact that over 600 people registered for this event, and even more so by  the quality and quantity of questions raised during the session.


We regret that time did not allow us to answer the dozens of questions that went unanswered. If your question was one of those we were not able  to address while we were live, or if you have any other questions about  the topic or the work of CAMERA, please feel free to email Tricia at and we will be happy to respond.


We have had multiple requests for the recording of this webinar, as well  as for those of others presented by CAMERA in recent weeks. You can  find "'Jesus was a Palestinian' and Other Anti-Israel Myths" on YouTube  at  Please feel free to share this link with others to help us spread the  truth and the work of CAMERA's Partnership of Christians and Jews.


If you would like to see a complete list of videos available from CAMERA's recent webinars, please go  to:


And finally, if you recognize the importance and uniqueness of the work  of CAMERA's Partnership of Christians and Jews, please consider making a  contribution to help us expand our efforts to oppose antisemitism, tell  the truth about Israel, combat anti-Zionism in the church, and promote cooperation between Christians and Jews. Go to:


For the sake of Israel,

Tricia Miller and Dexter Van Zile





CAMERA’s Christian analysts are able and available to equip you and your  congregations with the facts necessary to tell the truth about Israel,  combat anti-Zionism in the church, and oppose antisemitism in whatever  form it appears. Please contact us to schedule a single speaker or to  plan a multi-speaker conference!

Contact Tricia at for more information.


Please feel share to this newsletter with others!

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