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Tricia Miller, Ph.D.

Partnership of Christians and Jews

"The political campaign to delegitimize Israel includes a false narrative that identifies Jesus as a Palestinian rather than as a Jew. The creation of a Palestinian Jesus rewrites history, deconstructs the foundations of Christian faith, and is as dangerous for Jews as the Aryan Jesus contrived by the Nazis."

Let us help you:

  • Combat anti-Zionism in the Church

  • Tell the truth about Israel

  • Oppose hatred of Jews

  • Promote the important partnership between Evangelical Christians and Jews

CAMERA’S Partnership of Christians & Jews is a powerful response to the intensifying effort to delegitimize Israel in Evangelical churches throughout North America and Europe. As these political efforts increase, the Partnership provides activists educational resources to:


  • Build an effective, pro-Israel group in your community

  • Speak for Israel in the media

  • Benefit from close collaboration with CAMERA scholars

  • Network with an international community of like-minded Christians and Jews

  • Join our 17,000-strong Letter Writing Team


​The Partnership helps activists effectively counter anti-Israel campaigns and rising Jew-hatred by providing educational resources through speakers, conferences, articles, books, and the expertise of CAMERA’s trained professional staff.


CAMERA'S Christian researchers are driven by the belief that facts matter. Our scholars take a stance and don't back down, daring to speak and stand up for Jews and Christians, even when it would be easier to keep quiet.

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Amy Zewe, M.A.

Christian Media Analyst,
Partnership of Christians and Jews

"Historic Christian anti-Judaism was used to justify the Nazi agenda against the Jewish people and enabled the German church to be complicit in the Holocaust. Today, all anti-Jewish teachings must be exposed and corrected for the church to take an effective stand against anti-Zionism and support Israel’s right to exist."

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