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Merry Christmas from CAMERA's Partnership of Christians and Jews!

Dear Christian Leaders,


As we celebrate the birth of Jesus this week, let us remember that he  was born in the ancient town of Bethlehem, in the province of Judea, in  Israel - the historic and biblical homeland of the Jewish people. Let us  not forget that Jesus was born a Jew, a direct descendent of King David  of the tribe of Judah, who too was born in Bethlehem.


Let us also remember that when, according to Matthew 25:40, Jesus said,  "Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who  are members of my family, you did it to me," he was not only speaking of  the poor and oppressed, as is commonly understood. He was, in fact,  referring to his brethren in the flesh, the Jewish people. In other  words, Jesus equates our treatment of the Jewish people with our  treatment of him.


So this Christmas, as we celebrate everything that Jesus' life means to  us as Christians, let us deepen our commitment to stand in solidarity  with his family, the Jewish people, and in support of Israel, the  ancient Jewish homeland.


Have a very joyous and meaningful Christmas!


Tricia Miller and Dexter Van Zile




CAMERA’s  Christian analysts are able and available to equip you and your  congregation with the facts necessary to tell the truth about Israel,  combat anti-Zionism in the church, and oppose antisemitism in whatever form it appears.


Please contact us to schedule a single speaker or to plan a multi-speaker conference either online or in person!


Contact Tricia at for more information.

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