​​Defending Israel
Combating Jew-hatred
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent..."
Dear Christian Leaders,
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
These words from Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. are at least as relevant for us today as they were when they were first spoken.
Indeed, in such a time as this, as efforts intensify to cancel people and silence voices considered by some to be politically incorrect, it is more important than ever that we, as Christian leaders, find our voice and use it to address consequential issues.
All of us who learn from history know that crises such as pandemics, political and social unrest, and economic hardship provide fertile ground for increased antisemitism, and more recently, opposition to the State of Israel. Since we are in the midst of all these calamities and more, we must therefore increase our vigilance and our activism on behalf of the Jewish people and the Jewish State.
Martin Luther King also stated, "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
Queen Esther found herself in a position of great challenge and personal danger when the Jews of ancient Persia were threatened with annihilation. Chapter 4 of Esther details the struggle she went through as she made the decision to put herself at risk in order to intercede on behalf of her people. In the process, she had to acknowledge the reality that keeping silent in the face of evil would not keep her safe from that evil.
Thankfully, for the sake of the future of the Jewish people - and as a result, subsequent Christian history as well - Esther declared that she would do what had to be done and speak to the king, even if she perished in the process.
In such a time as this, we must not keep silent about matters of great importance, and we must use our voice to stand in solidarity with Israel and the Jewish people. As Martin Luther King said, "Israel must exist, and has the right to exist, and is one of the great outposts of democracy in the world."
Interfaith Dialogue: What Effect Does It Have on Israel's Legitimacy?
On Thursday, January 7th, Dexter Van Zile and Tricia Miller of CAMERA's Partnership of Christians and Jews were privileged to join Jackie Goodall, executive director of the Ireland Israel Alliance, for an in-depth discussion of the effect interfaith dialogue has on the issue of Israel's legitimacy.
Dexter provided a crucial analysis of various Christian organizations involved in interfaith dialogue, which was followed by Tricia's examination of the roles replacement theology, a Palestinian Jesus, and the denial of Jewish roots of Christianity play in advancing a Christian anti-Israel agenda. The two presentations laid the groundwork for an enlightening discussion of the inherent dangers of interfaith dialogue, in which Israel's legitimacy - as well as basic tenets of the Christian faith - can be compromised unless there is a commitment to truth on the part of all dialogue participants.
We are glad that so many of you were able to attend what was in many ways, a groundbreaking webinar. If you were not able to attend, or if you did attend and would like to watch the webinar again, you may view it here on YouTube.
For the sake of Israel,
Tricia Miller and Dexter Van Zile