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This Week's Webinar is More Timely Now than Ever!

Dear Christian Leader,


The important webinar CAMERA's Partnership of Christians and Jews has scheduled for this coming Thursday on the subject of Israel and Apartheid is more timely now than ever due to a lengthy report to be released by Human Rights Watch (HRW) on Tuesday, April 27th.


The report, titled "A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the  Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution," goes to great lengths in an  attempt to demonstrate that Israel is guilty of apartheid. However, in  order to achieve that goal, Human Rights Watch distorts the true meaning  of apartheid, misrepresents Israel's actions, and only presents a  one-sided pro-Palestinian perspective. In the process, HRW's report  demonstrates opposition to the existence of a Jewish state, as well as a  distinct Jewish people - all of which is nothing more than blatant  antisemitism!


The release of this libelous report is the latest salvo in an ongoing  campaign to demonize the Jewish State through flawed attempts to equate  the reality on the ground in Israel with the South African apartheid  system. Therefore, there is no better time than now to hear from Rev.  Malcolm Hedding, a former South African pastor who actively opposed  apartheid. Since leaving South Africa in the 1980's, he has lived and  worked in Israel, and travels extensively to teach the international  church about Israel. As a result of his training and life experience,  there is no one more qualified to expose the truth concerning Israel and  apartheid.


You don't want to miss the opportunity to hear

from Rev. Malcolm Hedding on this critical subject!


Please join CAMERA's Partnership of Christians and Jews

THURSDAY, APRIL 29th at 1:00 EDT

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