What is Your Response to Antisemitic Rhetoric?
Dear Christian Leader,
As we are sure you are aware, virulent antisemitism is increasing at an alarming rate worldwide. It is accompanied by its evil twin, which is opposition to the existence of the Jewish State. Antisemitic incidents in the US have doubled in the past year, and swastikas and other threatening graffiti are appearing in public places with impunity.
Antisemitism is the oldest form of hatred, and for millennia has targeted one particular race - the Jewish people. As the Nazi agenda to annihilate the Jewish people during the Holocaust made abundantly clear, antisemitism is all about race!
Anti-Zionism, which denies the Jewish people the right to self-determination in their ancient homeland, is also antisemitic. This is because the same false accusations and libels employed against the Jewish people for over 2,000 years are now directed towards Israel, the corporate Jew.
Antisemitism and anti-Zionism are not just coming from the extreme right or the extreme left of the political spectrum. Unfortunately - and of particular concern to us - is the fact that some of this is promoted within the Christian world as well.
As Christian leaders, you have a unique opportunity to be equipped to respond to antisemitic and anti-Israel rhetoric in everyday circumstances in which you find yourself. Please join the Partnership of Christians and Jews for an important CAMERA webinar, "How to Respond to Antisemitic Rhetoric in Social and Professional Situations."
You have three different opportunities to benefit from this important event!
Thursday, February 17 at 7:00 PM EST
Thursday, February 24 at 1:00 PM EST
Sunday, March 6 at 7:00 PM EST
The event is free but pre-registration is required.