Iranian Threat, Ethnic Studies, a Night to Celebrate Israel
Dear Christian Leader,
All of us who pay attention to world events are aware of the very real and imminent threat to world peace and Western civilization presented through the intentions and plans of the authoritarian regime in Iran. We also know that Israel is on the front line of this fight, as Iran specifically targets the survival of the Jewish State through its support of terrorist organizations in the Middle East - all of whom intend to wipe Israel off the map.
Those of us who follow the alarming trends in America's public schools know there are various curricula such as ethnic studies that, in spite of their stated intent to the contrary, constitute part of an agenda that promotes racism and division among students. Of particular concern is the fact that current ethnic studies curricula have a definite problem in terms of how Jews are singled out.
The good news is, that as the threat to Israel intensifies through the actions of Iran and its terrorist proxies, and as antisemitism is increasingly normalized through curricula such as ethnic studies, Christian organizations such as the Latino Coalition for Israel work nonstop to strengthen Christian support for the Jewish State.
There are three very important upcoming events in relation to these three topics that we strongly encourage you to attend!
Wednesday August 31 | 1:00 PM ET
A CAMERA webinar addresses the current Iranian threat
featuring Dr. Jonathan Schanzer
Senior Vice President at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies
Thursday, September 8 | 7:30 - 9:00 pm ET on Zoom
"Does Ethnic Studies Have a Jewish Problem?"
A panel discussion on the subject of Ethnic Studies
presented by four experts in the field including Steven Stotsky
Director of CAMERA's Education Institute
Sunday, September 11 | 7:00 PM
Night to Celebrate Israel and 9/11 Memorial
hosted by Pastor Mario Bramnick
President of the Latino Coalition for Israel
This is an in person event for all of you in south FL!
Church of All Nations
1300 NW 4th Ave
Boca Raton, FL 33432
Please join CAMERA's Partnership of Christians and Jews
for these important events!